School website - Contest: survey incubator

School website

Contest: survey incubator

The best statistical research projects in secondary school or FP (VET). The purpose of the contest, which is held on an annual basis, is to promote statistical and operative research work in Secondary School and Vocational educational training by conducting projects.

Who organises it?

This contest is organised by the Instituto de Ciencia de los Datos e Inteligencia Artificial (Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) (DATA) at the University of Navarre (UPNA) and Nastat, the Instituto de Estadística de Navarra (Institute of Statistics of Navarre) in collaboration with the Sociedad Navarra de Profesores de Matemáticas (Navarre Society of Maths Teachers) "TORNAMIRA" matematika Irakasleen Nafar Elkartea, the Ministry of Education of the Government of Navarre and the Provincial Delegation of the INE (National Statistics Institute).

For whom is it intended?

This contest is intended for students in ESO, Bachillerato, Basic Vocational Educational Training and Mid-Level Educational Cycles in Navarre who are interested in statistics and data science.

2022-23 Edition

Here you can see the winning projects

contest website


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