Web escolar - Título

Web escolar

Asset Publisher


We are interested in finding out how many people there are at an open-air event (a concert, a concentration, the chupinazo (start of San Fermín) in Pamplona) or how many white blood cells there are to find out immune system status.

Recipients: 1st ESO (any ESO year).


2-3 class sessions (50-55 minutes per session). Research and analysis phase.


  • To apply statistics to a real case, such as calculating how many elements there are in a determined space. 
  • Estimation by sampling and average behaviour.
  • Results analysis.

Didactic content:

  • Design of statistical studies. 
  • Locating and organising data. 
  • Estimation.

Key skills (Spanish Law LOMLOE):

  • Skills in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM).
  • Digital skills. (DS).
  • Personal, social, and learning-to-learn skills. (PSLTLS).

Methodology: Paired or group work. Collective work. Analysis activity.

Resources needed: Chromebooks. Google spreadsheet. Projector or interactive monitor. 

Relationship with other subjects: IT. Social Sciences.